Why being pregnant in January rocks

My belly is the size of a small shipping container. My ribs hurt. I now have only one dress left that fits. But our little bean is now a great raging kicking beast, and thinking about this time last year, when I was blissfully ignorant of an impending miscarriage, makes me feel extremely grateful to be where I am now.

Here’s what else. Having been trying to be pregnant or, well, pregnant for the last two years, my booze consumption has taken something of a nosedive. Now I’m firmly into my third trimester and have decided to indulge in the odd half glass of wine, oddly, it doesn’t really appeal to me. So it’s very convenient that the rest of London, riddled with hangovers from a month of hitting it hard, is also feeling decidedly off the sauce. I’m like the Dry January messiah. One month off the booze indeed. Try nine!! This, and several other things, make me pretty chipper to be pregnant in January:

  1. My new years resolution? Chill out more. With seven weeks to go, I’ve decided to ensure I devote some time each day to something that makes me feel rested – a bath, a meditation app, a massage, a yoga session. I don’t know why I didn’t make this my resolution right from the beginning but I can tell you, it’s far more enjoyable than pledging to eat less chocolate. I heartily recommend that everyone adopts this resolution immediately, pregnant or not.
  2. Absolutely no pressure to join a gym/lose weight whatsoever. As everyone around me drinks revolting looking green juices and slogs off to classes after work, I am just carrying on with the eating, the walking, the getting home and into my comfy clothes.
  3. Nobody goes out, or does anything, in January. Except for me! I would be joining the no-fun brigade if it weren’t for my sister’s hen parties and the fact I’ve booked a mini babymoon, and early birthday weekend for the Babydaddy, in case the baby comes his birthday. While January is normally a time of being skint and miserable, I’ve cut down my hours at work and built in loads of lovely social plans. Of course, this might not be what all pregnant women do, but feeling as I do that life is about to change irrevocably in less than a matter of months, I’ve decided to pack in quality time while I can still, you know, fit through doors.
  4. Nobody stinks of booze any more. My super sense of smell is no longer picking up eu de hungover from a work party on the tube. Thank God for that.
  5. London is released from Christmas shopping hoards – so I can once again enjoy it on my newfound days off without worrying I’ll be kettled in the middle of Carnaby Street.
  6. Being pregnant is like carrying a bot water bottle in your belly at all times. True, a hot water bottle won’t punch you in the bladder or kick you in the ribs, but it definitely helps with keeping warm. Plus, being the time of year that everyone spends wrapped in jumpers and scarves, I can feel nice and cosy and covered up, rather than sweaty and exposed as poor summer mothers must be. Hurrah for winter!

Happy January!

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