The waiting game: Advice for overdue mamas

Spoiler alert: I've only gone and had my baby. Seven whole weeks ago, in fact. My little gremlin is dozing in his bouncer as I write, and with my mind finally starting to function again, albeit very slowly, I thought I'd share some advice for anyone going through the waiting-to-give-birth game. One of the very … Continue reading The waiting game: Advice for overdue mamas

Why being pregnant in January rocks

My belly is the size of a small shipping container. My ribs hurt. I now have only one dress left that fits. But our little bean is now a great raging kicking beast, and thinking about this time last year, when I was blissfully ignorant of an impending miscarriage, makes me feel extremely grateful to … Continue reading Why being pregnant in January rocks

Nine lessons from the second trimester

This time, er, last trimester, I was firmly in survival mode; still feeling sick, still keeping my pregnancy a secret, and wondering when and if this longed-for pregnancy start to feel tolerable, let alone enjoyable. There I was, safely into the second trimester and frankly, I felt just a shit as I had a week … Continue reading Nine lessons from the second trimester

Pregnant? Here are some stupid questions you’ll need to answer

At 24 weeks along, I have been experiencing what can only be described as pregnancy rage. It's as if all the hormones whirring in my belly have risen up as a vengeful army,  determined to defeat the fragile grip I have on my shredded self control, alienate everyone I know and get myself the sack … Continue reading Pregnant? Here are some stupid questions you’ll need to answer

Single people should be allowed fertility treatment too

The tabloids are at it again, screaming with indignation at new United Nations proposals that single men and women should be considered infertile. It's not as if anyone actually wants the dubious honour of the infertile tag.  It's a definition given to couples who have tried to get pregnant for a year without success - … Continue reading Single people should be allowed fertility treatment too

Is she pregnant..? If she hasn’t told you, DON’T ASK

As Brits, we're shy creatures. We mumble that we're fine even if our house has fallen down. We say 'sorry' to that bloke who winded us with his briefcase rushing off the tube. We agonise about how to get out of drinks with someone we don't even like without causing any offence. But for some … Continue reading Is she pregnant..? If she hasn’t told you, DON’T ASK